The UK’s RSE Conference is the largest RSE conference in the world. Organisers maximise attendance by keeping ticket prices low, which means the conference provides an unparalleled opportunity to network with RSEs – the technical decision makers in research – from the UK and from around the world.

Why Your Company Should Sponsor Us

The RSE Conference offers a great opportunity for sponsors to advertise their products, business and goals to a large audience spanning industrial and academic domains. Despite its relative youth, RSE has become a strategically important role in research. It was recently highlighted as a vital role in the Government’s Future of Compute strategy, which outlines the government’s plans for new significant investments into computational research. 

Attendees come from all backgrounds and disciplines across research: Including High-Performance Computing in the physical sciences and engineering, Cloud-computing web platforms for reproducible research infrastructure, Trusted Research Environments for health research, machine-learning in the Digital Humanities and much more.

Your Potential Audience

Over 350 attendees will be gathered at Swansea University in September. They typically  include most if not all of the leaders of UK RSE Groups, Heads of Research IT from universities responsible for TOP 500 HPC procurement contracts and University-wide software licensing, leaders from national research institutes, and senior staff from the research software and hardware divisions of both startups and major businesses.

Alongside RSEs, there will be leading researchers and technical experts, PhD students and early-career researchers just starting out with research software and investigating future careers.

As the birthplace of the RSE community, the UK conference has become the de facto international conference for RSE. It attracts significant numbers of attendees from international RSE communities. In total, over 10% of attendees are from outside the UK.

Sponsorship Opportunities

To enable you to pick the level of sponsorship that’s right for you we’re offering four core levels of sponsorship package. For those who aren’t able to attend in person but would still like to show their support, we also offer an Associate package (£500). 

Sponsorship Packages

6 conference passes
Double-size stand (5m)
1 hour plenary keynote to open the conference
Host RSE Leaders dinner
Host the Conference dinner
Interview for conference podcast
2 @ £15,000
4 conference passes
Double-size stand (5m)
Parallel session talk, walkthrough, or workshop
2 spaces at RSE Leaders dinner
3 @ £10,000
2 conference passes
Stand (2.5m)
Parallel session talk
6 @ £5,000
1 conference pass
Stand (2.5m)
1 remote pass

All packages include:

  • Your logo on our website, programme, and slides before plenaries and streamed talks, with size depending on package.
  • Thanks in our opening and closing remarks.
  • Thanks in Tweets from the Society account (6.9k followers), in our community Slack (4.5k members), and the Society newsletter (1249 subscribers) and conference emails.


Sponsor stalls will be located in the galleries of the Great Hall, right by our refreshments area. Pictures and maps of the galleries are available here!


In addition to the main sponsor packages, we also take donations to our bursary fund – which helps early-career attendees, or those from under-represented groups, attend by subsidising travel and accommodation costs. If you’re sponsoring the Conference, we’re happy to take an extra donation to help out – just let us know!


Of note is that in line with our environmental and sustainability policies we won’t be providing delegates with a conference bag, but sponsors are welcome to offer merchandise on their stands. There’ll be a web store open before the conference for T-shirts and other merchandise, and we’re happy to look into adding promotional items to it.

Policy & Disclaimer

Our sponsorship policy and disclaimer can be found here.